Book Woman Presents...

Books about Jack Kerouac

Angelheaded Hipster : A Life of Jack Kerouac
Steve Turner / Hardcover / Published 1997

The Beat Generation in New York : A Walking Tour of Jack Kerouac's City
Bill Morgan / Paperback / Published 1997

Book of Blues (Penguin Poets)
Jack Kerouac / Paperback / Published 1995

Desolation Angels
Jack Kerouac / Paperback / Published 1995

Jack Kerouac (Twayne's United States Authors Series, No 507)
Warren G. French / Hardcover / Published 1986

Jack Kerouac : Selected Letters : 1940-1956
Jack Kerouac, Ann Charters (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1996

Jack's Book : An Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac
Barry Gifford, Lawrence Lee / Paperback / Published 1988

Jack's Book : An Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac Vol 1
Barry Gifford, Lawrence Lee / Paperback / Published 1994

Kerouac : A Biography Vol 1
Ann Charters / Paperback / Published 1994

Kerouac's Crooked Road : Development of a Fiction
Tim Hunt / Paperback / Published 1996

Kerouac's Ghost
Kenneth McGoogan, Ken McGoogan / Paperback / Published 1996

Maggie Cassidy
Jack Kerouac / Paperback / Published 1993

Memory Babe : A Critical Biography of Jack Kerouac
Gerald Nicosia / Paperback / Published 1994

Minor Characters
Joyce Johnson / Paperback / Published 1990

Minor Characters : A Young Woman's Coming-Of-Age in the Beat Orbit of Jack Kerouac
Joyce Johnson / Paperback / Published 1994

Naked Angels : Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs
John Tytell / Paperback / Published 1991

Off the Road : My Years With Cassady, Kerouac and Ginsberg
Carolyn Cassady / Paperback / Published 1991

Heat and Mass Transfer
E. J. Henley (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1984
(Special Order)

Jack Kerouac : An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Sources, 1944-1979
Robert J. Milewski / Hardcover / Published 1981
(Publisher Out Of Stock)

Jack's Book
Paperback / Published 1988
(Special Order)

Paperback / Published 1987
(Publisher Out Of Stock)

Lonesome Traveller
Jack Kerouac / Hardcover / Published 1998
(Not Yet Published)

A Map of Mexico City Blues : Jack Kerouac As Poet
James T. Jones / Hardcover / Published 1992
Our Price: $24.95 (Special Order)

Memory Babe
Paperback / Published 1994
(Special Order)

Minor Characters
Paperback / Published 1990
(Special Order)

Naked Angels
Paperback / Published 1991
(Special Order)

Quest for Kerouac
Chris Challis / Paperback / Published 1984
(Publisher Out Of Stock)

The Spontaneous Poetics of Jack Kerouac
Paperback / Published 1990
(Special Order)

The Spontaneous Poetics of Jack Kerouac : A Study of the Fiction
Regina Weinreich / Paperback / Published 1990
(Back Ordered)

UN Homme Grand : Jack Kerouac at the Crossroads of Many Cultures
Pierre Anctil, et al / Paperback / Published 1990
(Special Order)

UN Homme Grand : Jack Kerouac at the Crossroads of Many Cultures
Pierre Anctil, et al / Hardcover / Published 1990
(Publisher Out Of Stock)

Visions of Cody
Paperback / Published 1993
(Special Order)

Visions of Kerouac the Life of Jack Kerouac
Charles Jarvis / Paperback / Published 1975
(Special Order)

Bibliography of Works by Jack Kerouac
Ann Charters / Published 1975
(Hard to Find)

Desolate Angel : Jack Kerouac, the Beat Generation, and America
Dennis McNally / Published 1980
(Hard to Find)

Desolate Angel : Jack Kerouac, the Beat Generation, and America
Dennis McNally / Published 1990
(Hard to Find)

Desolate Angel : Jack Kerouac, the Beats and America
Dennis McNally / Published 1981
(Hard to Find)

For Jack Kerouac: poems on his death
(Hard to Find)

Gerard : the influence of Jack Kerouac's brother on his life and writing
Donald Motier
(Hard to Find)

Gone in October : Last Reflections on Jack Kerouac
John C. Holmes / Published 1985
(Hard to Find)

Heart Beat
Cassady / Published 1979
(Hard to Find)

Heart Beat : My Life With Jack and Neal
Carolyn. Cassady / Published 1976
(Hard to Find)

The Holy Goof : A Biography of Neal Cassady
William Plummer / Published 1990
(Hard to Find)

The Holy Goof : A Biography of Neal Cassady
William, Plummer / Published 1981
(Hard to Find)

Jack Kerouac
Charters / Published 1975
(Hard to Find)

Jack Kerouac
Tom Clark
(Hard to Find)

Jack Kerouac
Tom Clark / Published 1984
(Hard to Find)

Jack Kerouac (Boise State University Western Writers Series ; No. 39)
Harry Russell Huebel / Published 1979
(Hard to Find)

Jack Kerouac : Statement in Brown
Joy Walsh / Published 1984
(Hard to Find)

Jack Kerouac, Prophet of the New Romanticism : A Critical Study of the Published Works of Kerouac and a Comparison of Them to Those of J. D. Salinger
Robert A., Hipkiss / Published 1976
(Hard to Find)

Kerouac : Visions of Rocky Mount
John J. Dorfner / Published 1991
(Hard to Find)

Kerouac's Last Word : Jack Kerouac in Escapade
Tom Clark / Published 1987
(Hard to Find)

Kerouac's Town (Modern Authors Monograph Series ; No. 2)
Barry Gifford / Published 1977
(Hard to Find)

Naked angels : the lives & literature of the Beat generation
John Tytell
(Hard to Find)

Visions of Kerouac : A Play
Martin B. Duberman / Published 1977
(Hard to Find)

Visions of Kerouac : a play
Martin B. Duberman
(Hard to Find)

The Visions of the Great Rememberer
Allen, Ginsberg / Published 1974
(Hard to Find)

Visitor : Jack Kerouac in Old Saybrook (The Unspeakable Visions of the Individual ; V. 11)
John Clellon Holmes / Published 1980
(Hard to Find)

Cover of Angelheaded Hipster

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