Book Woman Presents...

The Beats
(and related authors)

About the Beats
William S. Burroughs (author)
William S. Burroughs (subject)
William S. Burroughs Jr.
Caleb Carr
Lucien Carr
Carolyn Cassady
Neal Cassady
Gregory Corso
Diane DiPrima
Robert Duncan
Bob Dylan
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Allen Ginsberg
Brion Gysin
John Cellon Holmes
Herbert Huncke
Ted Joans
Lenore Kandel
Jack Kerouac (author)
Jack Kerouac (subject)
Jan Kerouac
Ken Kesey
Timothy Leary
Norman Mailer
David Meltzer
Terence McKenna
Peter Orlovsky
Charles Plymell
Tom Robbins
Gary Snyder
Carl Solomon
Hunter S. Thompson
Lew Welch
Philip Whalen
Walt Whitman
William Carlos Williams

Books are duplicated in some sections due to cross-referencing. Links are included for the books that are out of print in case you wish more information.

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