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Featured Book

Priestess of Avalon
by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Diana L. Paxson
Priestess of Avalon Book Cover It was really wonderful to read one last book by MZB, and I also highly recommend Diana Paxson as a writer.
Anam Cara : A Book of Celtic Wisdom
by John O'Donohue
Anam Cara Book Cover Of all the books I have read (and I have read a lot) this is the one book that I recommend unconditionally. If you are at all interested in exploring and understanding the inner reaches of the human soul, you simply must read this book.
Unsinkable : The Full Story of the RMS Titanic
by Daniel Allen Butler
Unsinkable Book Cover
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From the parties in the Grand Ballroom to the chilly waters of north Atlantic to the silence of the cemetary in Greenland, Butler presents a harrowing portrait of the life and death of the passengers and crew, taking the reader along on the fateful journey.

Unsinkable is an excellent read, but the real reason it's the featured book is that my son Scott did the cover. You can see more of Scott's work on his web site Electron Dreams.

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