Meroe And Nubia

Meroe Pyramid

The royal city
The kingdom of Meroe existed in 1,200 years, only to continue in the shape of the kingodm of Nubia, which lasted another 1,100 years. Of these two kingdoms, Meroe was a great power in its days, strong enough to eat up Egypt for half a century. The region manged to impress the people of its time, housing agricultural achievements and efficient iron industry, a high culture, where an own alphabete was developed. The pyramids have a distinct and elegant style, even if they're far smaller than the ones in Egypt. Travel Guide to Sudan

Books About Meroe And Nubia

The Gold of Meroe
Karl-Heinz Priese / Paperback / Published 1993
(Special Order)

Thorn Garden
Wilfred Elahi, Meroe Elahi / Paperback / Published 1997
(Special Order)

Apedemak, Lion God of Meroe : A Study in Egyptian-Meroitic Syncretism
Louis V. éZabkar

Apedemak, Lion God of Meroe : a Study in Egyptian-Meroitic Syncretism
Louis V. éZabkar

The City of Meroe : John Garstang's Excavations in the Sudan (Studies in Egyptology)
Laszlo Torok / Published 1994

The Road to Meroče
John M. Trout

The Road to Meroče
John M. Trout

Studia Meroitica 1984 : Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference for Meroitic Studies

The Whispering Waters
John M. Trout

The Whispering Waters
John M. Trout

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